Every head needs a hat, and a hat needs a head. Leo's is a true head shop. We have the largest selection of men's name brand hats and caps. We carry Borsalino, Stetson, Dobbs, Biltmore, Bailey, Kangol, Capas, Selentino, and many more! Leo's Apparel already offers you the finest selection of men's suits in Philadelphia, but every suit looks good with a great hat. Hats have to match the person's physique and personality. We find that some men have a bigger collection of hats than suits. A true hat man is a mad hatter. We have a wide variety of fedoras, fur felts, velours, and straw hats in season. People come not just from Philadelphia but from afar for our best prices and huge selection of colors, styles, and name-brands. If you're looking for something extra to tie it all together, we have you covered as well. Leo's is your destination for quality Italian and other European brands in caps. Our store is designed for one-stop shopping. We'll match your hat and cap to your coat to your suit with the right men's accessories. We are one of the few remaining true men's and boys' clothing stores, and Philadelphia's largest dress hat department. You can get an entire hookup, from your socks that match your shoes, your suit and your head. You don't have to go anywhere else when you shop with us. We've got it all to make you look like "The Man."
Quality caps and hats can be multi-purposed for all occasions. Whether you're going to church or heading to a party, our store on Germantown Ave in North Philadelphia has you covered. Leo's knows that hats need heads and heads need hats, and wants to see your head looking as good as can be with one of our high-end men's quality caps and hats.
Fedoras and Other Dress Hats
Hats come in a small variety of styles. A fedora is a diamond block. Then you have a center crease. And then, there are hats where you make your own crease. Leo's will help you shape your hat to your head. Fedoras can come in a variety of materials: fur felt, velour, beaver, and wool. We boast the most comprehensive variety of fedoras in North Philadelphia and beyond. Our brands, such as Borsalino, Bailey, Stacy Adam, and Stetson, aren't even available at the brand-name department stores.
Straw Hats and Cruise Wear For the Panama
Going on a cruise vacation? Our straw hats are made by the same manufacturers, including Borsalino, Bailey, Stacy Adam, and Stetson, Dobbs, Biltmore, etc. as our other styles. Straw hats in the summer come in a Panama Straw style, or a pork-pie style, or a stingy-brim. Straw hats are great in the summer, especially if you have a bare spot on top of your head. And don't forget, hats are healthy to wear in the sun.
Quality Caps
Our caps are made and come from italy, Canada, Germany, and the good old U.S.A. Our winter caps come in wool materials in assorted solid colors, assorted plaids, and the assortments we buy are meant to accompany the vast inventory of clothing that we carry, for a one-stop shopping experience.
There is nothing like a Borsalino cap from Italy, or a Framar Italian cap. They're tailor-made caps that have quilted lining for warmth in the winter. For the summer season, our caps are cotton and linen material, from an inventory of more than 500 caps constantly being updated.
For something more subtle, but still sure to draw attraction, Leo's also offers an extensive selection of men's quality caps by name brands such as Borsalino and Capas. These are made out of lighter material and in every color and design pattern you can imagine. Caps can give off a traditional touch of class as a fashion accessory to your style.
More Quality Hats & Caps
For more than six decades, Leo's Apparel has been Philadelphia's home for fashion hats such as Stetson and Dobbs. We offer the most beautiful headwear for any event or gathering, as well as for everyday comfort and use. We hope you find what you are looking for with Leo's Apparel and are more than happy to assist you with any of your needs.